Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Good Morning!

You may be surprised or concerned at the time of this e-mail, but I guarantee you that I have never been so happy to be up at this time! This morning finds me at Graham's bedside and his snoring has never sounded so beautiful! Tammi and are taking shifts staying with him in the hospital and I always prefer the 10pm to 4:00am as both the late nights and recliner fit me better.

Since my last e-mail, minutes and hours and days have multiplied and our blessings have kept pace! Here are a few of the highlights:
Graham has been moved from Level 1 Trauma (Critical Care) to Level 2 (2nd floor to 5th floor and closer to God) because of the improvement he has made
He has begun to eat soft foods, all of which he hates and complains about
Jordan (his younger brother) flew in from New York and was here for 24 hours before he had to return. It gave new meaning to "quality time" and was stuff that movies are made of. If Jordan would ever give permission, I would love to share the note he left for Graham. Tammi and I notice and celebrate every little quirk that returns as Graham improves. Most are done unconsciously, but we will never again be critical of nose-picking, scab-picking, drooling, or passing gas. They are signs of life!
A series of firsts occurred within the past 24 hours including his first smile, his first laugh, his first cry, his first shower (accompanied by two staff), his first walk (accompanied by two staff and one walker, but the best walk I ever saw!)
I could share a million other firsts, but my shift is almost over. I have shared with a few friends that I spend most of my time crying, but that 90% is from joy and just 10% from sadness. The sadness is of my own fault as I allow myself to look at the past instead of the future. The 90% and growing comes from the witnessing of miracles! God's grace and generosity has given me minutes, hours, and days with Him, Graham, Tammi, Jordan, family, and friends. The limitless kindness, generosity, love, and support expressed through prayer, e-mails, phone calls, texts, pictures, thoughts, and more have overwhelmed me....you make me cry and I thank you for that!

Please continue to pray and I will keep you updated. XOXO from the Stanley Family!

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