Tuesday, October 28, 2008

God and Angels

Good Afternoon!

We are overwhelmed with the prayers, love, and support that we have received from all of our friends and family at CSI, from the Magic Valley, and its seems from around the world! We know thai it is because of God's grace and your prayers and love that we are surviving this ordeal. I have never known the value of one minute, one hour, or one day like I know it today. We are looking forward to many more miracles and milestones!

To catch you up and to provide the most accurate information as I know it....last Friday afternoon, I received a call from Phoenix where our son Graham is attending ASU as a senior. Tempe police had identified Graham and a friend of his as victims of assault. The case is under investigation so I don't have and can't share many details. Graham's skull was fractured and he had hematomas on both sides of his brain. When I was contacted, we only knew that Graham had a brain injury, was on life support in critical condition, and his vital signs were stable. Tammi and I (with the help of my mom and our friends) caught the next flight out of Twin.

There are lots of miracles and details in between, but let me bring you to today! Because of God, prayers, great doctors, great nurses, great family, and great friends, we are here and surviving! Graham went through surgery and we have received one miracle after another. He started with responses to questions, he now opens his eyes and talks to us, is eating soft foods, and even began some physical and speech therapy today! We hear that the road ahead will be a long one, but it is one that we look forward to traveling with God, Graham, and all of you!

I will try to keep you informed of our progress. For this moment, please know that God is great, we are okay, and you are angels! Please keep praying for Graham! XOXO

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