Sunday, October 26, 2008


One minute…one hour…one day…one week…one month!

As I am writing this, Graham is in the next room trying his best to convince the doctor that his driver’s license should be reinstated! His priorities and ours are still a bit different, but as educators, we all certainly understand the importance of motivation, so if the ability to drive is the carrot, we are good with that! Typical of patients who have experienced traumatic brain injury, but even more typical of Graham, is the attitude that everything is okay and that he sees no limitations as to what he can do. That attitude, of course, translates to the daily question of when are we leaving, but our ability to cook a little, clean a little, and shop a lot (for groceries) has earned us a few extra weeks!
I have decided that this process is much like having the opportunity to raise your child again, except this version is on fast forward and Tammi and I are just a little more experienced and perhaps a bit wiser. While I would never have asked for this, it is truly a Divine gift that we have been given. As Tammi and I were flying to Phoenix, we only prayed that Graham would be alive when we arrived and God has given us so much more! Essentially , Graham was re-born on September 12, 2008 and in just a month, we have witnessed some incredible events as a part of his remarkable recovery. Here are just a few of the latest miracles…
Graham has returned to his college classes. His ASU advisor and faculty have been very supportive and accommodating. I have driven him to and from classes, another one of those parental duties that I’m thrilled to repeat!
Graham recently completed an appointment with an ENT as there was a concern about fluid leaking from his ear and possible damage to his throat and vocal chords. The ear had a tear in the drum that seems to be healing and the throat and vocal chords looked good. He continues to have numbness over much of the left side of his face and chin but the doctor is quite certain that will improve with time!
Because the right side of his brain sustained greater damage, Graham has struggled with his coordination on the left side of his body. We have played cards, darts, video games, and, after a little trash talking, I finally got him to play me in a little basketball. He gets frustrated easily, but his improvement is dramatic! He wanted to try jogging a few days ago and went a few blocks before he discovered me trailing him about 25 yards behind, which he was not very impressed with. I went to the other side of the road, but he quickly returned home before many neighbors saw this father/son spectacle!
Graham is continuing with physical and speech therapy weekly and will have another CT scan this week and meet with the Neurosurgeon. He also meets with the Rehabilitation doctor next week to assess his recovery thus far and with the Neuropsychologist to review the results of his 6-hour examination, a test that Graham described as exhausting and the most difficult one he has ever taken.
Tammi went to New York last week to see Jordan perform in a college musical and to help return a little normalcy in our lives. She returned to Twin Falls just long enough to see a few friends, grab underwear and socks, spoil our pets, and witness a snow storm as she headed south for Phoenix! Our house and animals were in great shape, thanks again to the generosity of many friends and family!
While Tammi was gone, I cooked and cleaned for Graham and his two college roommates. I can now whip up some pretty mean French toast, omelets, hamburgers, hot dogs, and frozen taquitos , but I would admit that my audience was not very sophisticated in their tastes. They rarely complained and didn’t even mind being served on paper plates!
Last Sunday, I attended church with my sister and niece who live in Chandler. I am less surprised these days when God leads me to another awakening or reminder of His purpose. The youth pastor led the service and reminded all of us to be thankful for “every breath” we take….and that if we have difficult questions, the “answer is God”. I was certain that God brought me to this church…on this day…for these words. My response was, like it is often these days, to cry with joy.
Thanks so much for all of the love and support that we receive from all of you! XOXO from the Stanleys
PS… If you are interested, a local television station interviewed Graham and did a nice job of telling the story of his accident. It can be accessed at

1 comment:

Canyonwren said...

Grayden, Tammi, Graham, and Jordan,

Dean and I have thought of all of you a million times. We are so happy with the progress that Graham haw made. We know that with all our prayers and those of all the other people that care so much for all of you, things will continue to improve. Take care and enjoy every moment with each other.

We love you,
Linda and Dean Bennett