Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Good Morning!

It is difficult to believe that just over a week has passed since Tammi and I arrived in Phoenix. In many ways, it feels like it has been months and in other ways, it feels like just a few days. We have certainly lost track of time as we measure more now by pills, meal times, and the reading of vital signs. Another milestone has passed as Graham's life has extended beyond one minute, to one hour, to one day, and we have arrived at one week! Not that I was ever too concerned about keeping track of time, but I guarantee that I will forever focus on the miracle of the moment with little regret about the past and little fret for the future.

The last few days have just been a blur for us as it seems that so much change and progress has occurred. A few of our highlights include:
Graham was able to have a visitor who is his roommate and close friend Derek. Their time together was the best therapy thus far as both boys laughed, joked, and made plans for the future.
I have been granted the official shower companion role. I was given the absolute blessing of giving Graham a shower and it is one of the greatest moments I've ever had with him. Washing him, rinsing him, and drying him are moments I wouldn't trade for any trophies, sports, hunting, or any other "guy" stuff.
Today, the nurses removed the balance of staples from Graham's incisions (approx. 75) and the stitches from his head. His cuts, abrasions, and bruises are healing well and his appetite is beginning to return as signaled by a cheeseburger on the menu tonight. He has lost nearly 30 pounds but I think we are headed back up!
He has been moved to the Rehabilitation wing and begins intensive physical, occupational, and speech therapy tomorrow. Tammi and I have learned so much from the doctors and nurses here and we are eager to continue our education with the therapy sessions.
We are meeting with Tempe law enforcement tomorrow and reviewing some of what happened. All four of the assailants have been arrested and confessed. Because of the nature of the case, Graham has never been listed by his real name and his location could not be disclosed. We had to be given a password and codename to access him, but we are not complaining! I am anxious for him to be given back his birth name and to share with you his codename!
I have moved beyond a few of my superstitions. While my faith and trust in God has been forever and immeasurably strengthened, I have always believed that it helps to be consistent! I finally rode a different elevator today, and tomorrow I may even park in a different spot! I am however not going to shave until Graham is able to shave!
I am in awe....of God's grace and God's hand in our lives! I am in awe of how He has supported us through all of you. You will never know the strength we gain through your prayers and thoughts...it is awesome!

Please continue to pray for Graham...XOXO from the Stanleys

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